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If the options have a clear hierarchical structure, Cascader can be used to view and select them.


This component requires the <client-only></client-only> wrap when used in SSR (eg: Nuxt) and SSG (eg: VitePress).

Basic usage

The basic configuration has been modified: Open clear | Enable filtering | Disassociate parent | The selected value returns only the id of the node | value: 'id' | label: 'title'

Specify the options option item value type

Specifying whether the item's value type is number or string by isKeyNumber allows v-model bound data to adapt to the corresponding value type default false

Two types of v-model binding values in multiple cases

Select All Subset button

If there is a subset of children, the default display of the select all subset button can be controlled by showSelectAllBtn

The radio control is not displayed in the single option case

It can be controlled by showRadioControl

Cascader API

Cascader Attributes

model-value / v-modelbinding valuestring[] | number[] | any
optionsdata of the options,-same as element-plus, valuelabel can be customized through CascaderProps.object
propsconfig option-same as element-plus default configurationobject
isKeyNumberoptions Specifies whether the value of the option item is number. If not, the default string is usedBooleanfalse
dataTypemultiple choices => v-model Indicates the type of the binding value String: '1,2,3'Array: [2,3,4] two typesenum'String'
showSelectAllBtnWhether to display the Select All Subset buttonBooleantrue
showRadioControlWhether to display the radio control when multiple: false => Built-in default custom style radio control does not appear in the case of radioBooleanfalse
...other parameters are the same as element-plus

Cascader Events


Released under the MIT License.